
We offer services along the lines of our RICD Model  –  RESEARCH, INSIGHT, CONCEPT and DESIGN.

Operating Model - RICD

1. General business feasibility study
2. Brand auditing
3. Brand positioning 
4. Business success metrics
5. Customer & market analysis

1. Customer journey mapping
2. Customer insights analytics
3. Service model design
4. Product and service innovation/renovation
5. Customer behavioral psychology Analysis

1. Visual Design Sketches
(Business Branding & Brand Consultations)
2. Cross Platform UX Sketches
– Web Apps, Mobile Apps Prototypes
3. Database Design Structure
4. Database Management System
5. Digital Marketing Model
6. Digital Content Development

1. Corporate visual identity designs
2. General business brand support
3. Integrated business management solutions
– CRM, HRM, Financial Management Systems,
Point of Sale, Payment Solutions etc.
4. E-Commerce solutions, web and mobile apps development
5. Custom enterprise-scale software development
6. Artificial Intelligence solutions
7. Business Intelligence Solutions

Our Work Culture

We believe in and always take into consideration the 7 Factors that affect User Experience (UX) .

We are your Integrated Digital & Technology Support Unit. We help you apply diverse expressions of modern day technology to grow your business. 
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